Alex Sanborn Alex Sanborn

How Often Should I Shock My Pool?

How often should I shock my pool - Best Pool Cleaning Company Austin, TX

Howdy! Ready to keep your pool as clear as the Texas sky? Let's talk about how often you should shock your pool.

So, what's this "shocking" business? Well, it's like giving your pool a good old kick in the pants to keep it clean and clear. You see, over time, stuff like bacteria, algae, and other gunk can sneak into your pool water, especially if you've been having folks over for some Texas-sized pool parties.

Now, how often should you give your pool this kick? Here's the scoop:

  1. Watch Your Usage: If your pool's getting more action than a rodeo, you might wanna shock it more often. Think every 1-2 weeks during swim season.

  2. Keep an Eye on the Weather: Texas weather can be as unpredictable as a bronco at a rodeo. Hot days and plenty of sunshine mean algae can grow faster than a tumbleweed in a dust storm. So, if it's been hotter than a jalapeño lately, consider shocking your pool more often.

  3. Check Your Water: Just like checkin' the oil in your pickup truck, testin' your pool water is essential. If the balance is off or you notice it's lookin' a little cloudy, it's time to shock.

So, there you have it, folks! Keep an eye on your pool's usage, the Texas weather, and always test your water regularly. By staying on top of things, you'll keep your pool lookin' as clear as the Texas sky on a crisp autumn day. Happy swimming!

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Alex Sanborn Alex Sanborn

How Do I Fix a Broken Pool Heater?

How do I fix a broken pool heater?

Hello again! Sun's out, fun's out, but what if your pool heater decides to take a siesta? A chilly pool can put a damper on those spring swims, so let's see if we can diagnose and fix that heater ourselves before you start shivering!

First Things First: Is it Really Broken?

Before diving into potential repairs, let's troubleshoot some simple culprits:

  • Power Check: Sounds obvious, but ensure the heater is plugged in, the circuit breaker hasn't tripped, and the thermostat is turned on and set to your desired temperature.

  • Pilot Light Blues: Gas heaters have pilot lights that ignite the main burner. If the pilot light is out, relighting it might be all you need. Consult your heater's manual for specific instructions.

  • Flow Faux Pas: Pool heaters need proper water flow to function. Check that your pool pump is running and the filter pressure is within the normal range.

Alright, Looks Like We Have a Fixer-Upper

If you've checked the above and your heater's still not warming things up, here's a breakdown of some common culprits and potential solutions (remember, for complex repairs, a pool professional is always your best bet):

  • Thermostat Trouble: A faulty thermostat might not be sending the right signal to turn on the heater. Replacing the thermostat might be necessary. Consult your heater's manual for compatibility.

  • Sensor Issues: Pool heaters rely on water temperature sensors to regulate operation. A malfunctioning sensor could be sending inaccurate readings, tricking the heater into thinking the pool is already warm. These sensors can sometimes be cleaned, but replacement might be needed.

  • Ignition Blues: If you have a gas heater, the igniter might not be sparking properly. Inspect the igniter for wear or debris and clean or replace it if necessary. Caution! Gas pool heaters involve working with gas, so if you're uncomfortable, call a professional.

  • Flow Switch Failure: This safety switch ensures proper water flow before the heater ignites. A faulty flow switch could be preventing the heater from turning on. Replacing the flow switch might be necessary.

Safety First!

Always turn off the power and gas supply (if applicable) to your pool heater before attempting any repairs. Consult your heater's manual for specific instructions and safety precautions. If you're unsure about any step, don't hesitate to call a pool professional.

Keeping Your Pool Heater Happy

Here are some tips to extend the life of your pool heater and prevent future breakdowns:

  • Regular Maintenance: Schedule annual professional maintenance checks to ensure optimal performance and identify potential problems early on.

  • Cleanliness is Key: Keep the heater area free of debris and ensure proper ventilation.

  • Winterize Wisely: If you live in an area with freezing temperatures, properly winterize your pool heater to prevent freeze damage.

The Takeaway

A broken pool heater can be a hassle, but don't despair! By following these tips and a little DIY spirit, you might be able to get your heater back in action. Just remember, safety always comes first, and when in doubt, all in the pool professionals.

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Alex Sanborn Alex Sanborn

My Pool is Green, What Do I Do?

My pool is green, what do I do?

Howdy, pool pals! Alex, the Austin Pool guy, here. Pool problems got you down? Let's face it, nobody wants a swamp in their backyard, especially when it used to be a cool, refreshing oasis. So, you woke up to a green pool, and you're wondering – what do I do now?

Well, fret not, partner! A green pool usually means algae growth, but it ain't the end of the world. With the right approach, we can turn that murky mess back into a crystal-clear swimming haven. Here's your battle plan:

Step 1: Identify the Enemy

There are a few different types of algae, each with its favorite shade of green. Knowing your foe helps you choose the right weapon:

  • Green Algae: The most common culprit, it thrives in warm, still water with unbalanced chemicals.

  • Black Algae: This stubborn critter forms clumps on pool walls and loves sunlight.

  • Yellow Algae: Less frequent, it appears as mustard-colored spots and prefers cooler water.

Step 2: Gather Your Supplies

Before diving in, arm yourself with the following:

  • Pool Test Kit: Test your pool's chlorine, pH, and alkalinity levels. These are crucial for proper treatment.

  • Shock Treatment: This high-dosage chlorine will kill the algae. Choose a chlorine shock based on your pool size and algae type.

  • Algaecide: This can target specific algae types and boost the effectiveness of your shock treatment.

  • Pool Brush: You'll need this to scrub away dead algae and prevent it from settling back into the water.

  • Net: Scoop up any large clumps of algae before shocking the pool.

Step 3: Prepare for Battle!

Alright, it's time to get to work! Here's the battle plan:

  1. Test and Adjust: Test your pool's water and adjust the pH level to between 7.2 and 7.6. Imbalanced pH can render chlorine ineffective.

  2. Shock and Awe: Following the instructions on your chosen shock treatment, add it to the pool according to your pool size and algae severity. Run the pump continuously for at least 24 hours.

  3. Algaecide Attack: If you've identified a specific algae type, add an algaecide to target it. Follow the product instructions for dosage and application.

  4. Brush It Off: After shocking, brush the pool walls and floor to dislodge dead algae. Net out any large debris.

  5. Maintain and Monitor: Continue running the pump and test your chlorine levels daily. Maintain a free chlorine level between 3 ppm and 5 ppm to prevent algae from returning.

Bonus Tip: Consider using a pool clarifier. This will help clump together dead algae particles, making them easier to filter out.

When to Call in the Cavalry

If your green pool woes persist after a valiant DIY effort, don't hesitate to call in a pool service professional. There may be bigger problems such as collapsed filters, or broken pumps. They have the experience and equipment to diagnose the problem and tackle stubborn algae infestations.

Keeping Your Pool Green-Free

Prevention is always better than cure! You can find how to keep your pool balanced here.

Remember, a green pool doesn't have to ruin your summer fun. With the right approach and a little effort, you can transform that murky mess back into a crystal-clear oasis in a few days. And if the battle seems too daunting, don't be afraid to call in a pool pro!

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Alex Sanborn Alex Sanborn

How Much Does Pool Maintenance Cost in Austin?

How Much Does Pool Maintenance Cost in Austin?

Howdy! Alex here. Summer's heat is creeping up, and keeping that pool sparkling clean and inviting might have you wondering – how much is this gonna cost me?

The truth is, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. Pool maintenance costs can vary widely depending on a few key factors:

  • Pool Size and Type: Those bigger backyard oceans naturally take more effort (and chemicals) to keep swim-ready than a cozy little dip pool. In-ground gunite pools tend to be pricier to maintain than vinyl or above-ground options too.

  • Service Frequency: Weekly cleanings are ideal, especially in our hot Texas sun. But some folks get by with bi-weekly visits, particularly during the cooler seasons. Less frequent service means lower monthly costs, but you might have to brush more often and stay on top of your chemicals, I would not recommend this.

  • DIY vs. Pro: Pool maintenance can be a fun weekend chore for some, but it's not for everyone. Hiring a professional pool service takes the weight off your shoulders, but it'll cost more than tackling it yourself.

  • Chemical Needs: Saltwater pools generally require fewer chemicals than chlorine pools, but that doesn't mean they're maintenance-free. Your pool's chemistry will also depend on factors like bather load, sun exposure, and nearby trees.

Here's a rough estimate to get you started:

  • DIY Maintenance: Pool chemicals and basic cleaning supplies can range from $50 to $150 a month, depending on your pool size and what needs attention.

  • Weekly Professional Service: Expect to pay somewhere between $50 and $150 per visit for a mid-sized pool. Many services offer discounts for multi-month contracts.

Beyond the Basics:

Keep in mind that unexpected repairs or equipment issues can add to your pool maintenance costs. Budgeting an extra $300 to $800 a year for these surprises is a wise move.

Pro Tip: Many pool service companies offer free consultations or quotes. Take advantage of this to get a personalized estimate for your specific pool.

Saving Money: How to Keep Costs Down

  • Be a Skimming Machine: Regularly removing leaves and debris from your pool will help keep the filter cleaner and reduce chemical usage.

  • Become a Chemistry Champ: Learn how to test your pool's water yourself. Properly balanced water means fewer chemicals needed. Most pool supply stores offer free water testing lessons.

  • Embrace the Pool Vacuum: Vacuuming your pool regularly removes dirt and debris that can cloud your water and strain your filter system.

  • Winterize Wisely: Properly closing your pool for the winter can prevent costly repairs come spring.

Pool maintenance doesn't have to be a budget breaker. By understanding the factors that influence cost and implementing a few savvy strategies, you can keep your Austin pool cool, clean, and inviting all summer long!

And hey, if you have any questions or need a helping hand, don't be a stranger! That's what your friendly neighborhood pool guy is here for. Swim safely!

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Alex Sanborn Alex Sanborn

What is Weekly Pool Maintenance?

What is Weekly Pool Maintenance?

Hi pool owners, Alex the Austin Pool expert, back on deck. Your pool is begging for some TLC and we’re here to help. But what exactly does a weekly pool maintenance service entail? Let's dive in!

Think of your weekly pool service as a pool superhero – swooping in to keep your backyard oasis crystal clear, healthy, and ready for fun. Here's a breakdown of the typical superhero routine:

  • Skimming the Surface: Your friendly pool tech will be like a human net, scooping out leaves, bugs, and any other debris floating on the surface. This keeps your water sparkling and your filter happy.

  • Vacuuming Power: Just like cleaning your carpet, your pool needs a good vacuuming to remove dirt and settled debris from the bottom. This prevents algae growth and keeps the water sparkling clear.

  • Brushing Up on Basics: Pool walls and tiles need some love too! Your pool pro will use a brush to whisk away algae, grime, and anything else clinging to the sides. This keeps your pool looking its best and prevents staining.

  • Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3: Balanced pool chemistry is key to a healthy and inviting swim. Your technician will test the water's pH, chlorine levels, and other important factors. They'll then adjust the chemicals as needed to keep everything in tip-top shape.

  • Filter Frenzy: The filter is the heart of your pool, keeping the water clean and circulating. Your pool pro will check the filter pressure, clean it if necessary, and ensure it's functioning properly.

  • Skimmer Basket Patrol: Those handy skimmer baskets collect a surprising amount of debris. Your technician will empty them regularly to prevent them from overflowing and potentially clogging the filter system.

  • Pump it Up (the Basket, That Is): The pump basket is another debris magnet. Your pool pro will give it a good cleaning to keep the water flowing smoothly.

  • Visual Inspection: A keen eye is essential for spotting potential problems early on. Your technician will take a peek at your pool equipment, looking for leaks, cracks, or anything else that might need attention.

Bonus Services: Some pool service companies offer additional services during their weekly visits, like topping off pool water due to evaporation or adding pool shock to combat algae blooms. Be sure to inquire about these options when choosing a service provider.

Weekly Maintenance – Why it Matters

Maintaining your pool weekly might seem like a chore, but it's a crucial investment in the health and longevity of your backyard oasis. Here's why:

  • Crystal Clear Water: Regular cleaning and balanced chemicals prevent algae growth and cloudiness, keeping your pool inviting for swimming.

  • Happy & Healthy Equipment: Weekly maintenance keeps your filter, pump, and other equipment functioning optimally, saving you money on repairs and replacements down the road.

  • Safety First: Properly balanced water reduces the risk of skin irritation and eye problems for swimmers.

  • Peace of Mind: Knowing your pool is in tip-top shape gives you peace of mind and allows you to focus on enjoying summer fun with your loved ones.

So, there you have it! Weekly pool maintenance might not be as glamorous as splashing around, but it's the superhero service that keeps your Austin pool sparkling and swim-ready all season long.

Need a pool expert to take care of your weekly maintenance? Don't hesitate to reach out – I'm always happy to help keep your backyard cool and inviting!

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Alex Sanborn Alex Sanborn

How do I Balance My Pool?

How do I Balance My Pool?

Hello again! Alex here with a question I hear a lot: How do I balance my pool's chemistry?

Keeping your pool sparkling clean is one thing, but maintaining the proper chemical balance is the real magic behind a healthy and enjoyable swimming experience. Don't worry, it's not rocket science! Here's a breakdown of the key players and how to achieve pool chemistry zen:

The Balancing Act Trio:

There are three main chemicals you need to focus on for proper pool chemistry:

  1. Free Chlorine (Sanitizer): Your pool's guardian against bacteria and algae. Maintain a free chlorine level between 3 ppm (parts per million) and 5 ppm.

  2. pH Level: Think of pH as the mood swing meter of your pool water. It should ideally be between 7.4 and 7.6. If the pH is too low, the water becomes acidic and can irritate skin and eyes. If it's too high, chlorine becomes less effective.

  3. Total Alkalinity (TA): This acts as a buffer for your pH, keeping it stable. The ideal TA range is between 80 ppm and 120 ppm. If your TA is too low, your pH will fluctuate wildly. If it's too high, it can be difficult to adjust the pH.

Taking the Plunge: Testing and Adjusting

Now that you know the key players, here's how to get your hands dirty (well, not really!):

  1. Invest in a Pool Test Kit: These are readily available at pool supply stores and are relatively inexpensive. They typically come with test strips or liquid tests for chlorine, pH, and TA.

  2. Testing Time: Follow the instructions on your test kit for accurate readings. Test your pool water at least once a week, especially during the hot summer months.

  3. Balancing Act Begins! Based on your test results, you'll need to adjust the chemicals to bring them within the ideal ranges.

  • Free Chlorine Too Low: Add pool shock or chlorine granules to increase chlorine levels.

  • Free Chlorine Too High: Let the chlorine level come down naturally by running the pump and not adding more chlorine. You can also shock the pool at night when there's less sunlight (sunlight burns off chlorine).

  • pH Too Low: Add a pH increaser, like soda ash, to raise the pH.

  • pH Too High: Add a pH decreaser, like muriatic acid (be very careful when handling this!), to lower the pH. Always wear gloves and eye protection when handling pool chemicals!

  • TA Too Low: Increase TA with baking soda.

  • TA Too High: This is a trickier situation. Partial draining and refilling of your pool may be necessary. Consult a pool professional if your TA is very high.

Pro Tips for Balancing Champions:

  • There is a free app called Orenda: this app can help you add the right amount of chemicals based on the volume of your pool and your chemical readings.

  • Test, Adjust, Retest: Don't add too much of any chemical at once. Test again after a few hours to see the impact and make further adjustments if needed.

  • Patience is a Virtue: Balancing pool chemistry takes practice and patience. Don't get discouraged if it takes a few tries to get everything in the perfect zone.

  • Safety First: Always read and follow the instructions on pool chemical labels carefully. Wear gloves and eye protection when handling chemicals. Always dilute chemicals in buckets before mixing into the pool. And always add chemicals to water, never water to chemicals!

Feeling overwhelmed? No worries! There's no shame in calling in a pool service professional for help with balancing your pool chemistry. They have the expertise and experience to get your pool sparkling and swim-ready in no time.

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Alex Sanborn Alex Sanborn

How do I Fix a Pool Pump?

How do I Fix a Pool Pump?

Hi pool partners! Let's face it, sometimes our pool equipment throws us a curveball. And a broken pool pump can definitely put a damper on your summer fun. But before you panic and blow your pool party budget, let's see if we can diagnose and fix that pump ourselves!

First Things First: Is it Really Dead?

Before diving into potential fixes, let's rule out some simple culprits:

  • Power Check: Sounds obvious, but ensure the pump is plugged in and the circuit breaker hasn't tripped.

  • Basket Blues: A clogged pump basket can starve the pump, causing it to overheat and shut off. Empty and clean the basket regularly.

  • Air in the System: Air trapped in the pump can prevent it from priming properly. Try bleeding the air out by following your pump's manual instructions.

Alright, it Might Be Time for Repairs

If you've checked the above and your pump is still lifeless, let's explore some common culprits and potential fixes (but remember, for complex repairs, a pool professional is always your best bet):

  • Clogged Impeller: This fan-like component is the heart of the pump. Turn off the power and disconnect the pump from the pool system. Carefully remove the impeller and inspect it for debris. Clean it thoroughly and reassemble, following your pump's manual.

  • Faulty Capacitor: This little guy jumpstarts the pump motor. While replacing a capacitor isn't overly complex, it does involve electrical work. If you're not comfortable with electrical tasks, call a pool professional.

  • Overheated Motor: Extreme heat can cause the motor to shut off as a safety measure. Let the pump cool down completely before restarting. If overheating becomes a recurring issue, your pump might be nearing its end of life and may need replacing.

Safety First!

Always turn off the power to your pool pump before attempting any repairs. Consult your pump's manual for specific instructions and safety precautions. If you're unsure about any step, don't hesitate to call a pool professional.

When to Call in the Cavalry

While some DIY fixes are possible, recognizing your limitations is crucial. If you're dealing with complex repairs, leaking issues, or anything that involves electrical work, it's best to call in a licensed pool service professional. They have the expertise and experience to diagnose the problem accurately and get your pool pump back up and running safely and efficiently.

Keeping Your Pump Pumpin' Strong

Here are some tips to extend the life of your pool pump:

  • Regular Maintenance: Clean the pump basket regularly and schedule professional maintenance checks to ensure optimal performance.

  • Run it Right: Run your pump for the recommended amount of time each day. Overworking it can lead to premature failure.

The Takeaway

A broken pool pump can be frustrating, but don't despair! By following these tips and a little DIY spirit, you might be able to get your pump back in action. Just remember, safety always comes first, and when in doubt, call in the pool professionals.

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